IRL's / DA's that aren't system alters!
(Bold/Highlighted are the most common or main ones)
- Not all will have separate slides!! -

  • alto clef/francis/ukulele (he/it)

  • martin blackwood (he/it/fog/cold)

  • sam winchester (he/him)

  • shane madej (he/it)

  • damien (he/him)

  • crowley (he/she/they)

  • gerry keay (they/he)

  • player hlvrv (he/she)

  • ARGbur (he/it/cold/glitch)

  • neo hlvrv (he/they/beep/it)

  • billy hargrove (he/him)

  • doug rattman (he/it)

  • griffin mcelroy (he/him)

  • gavin reed/gv200 (he/him)

ft: water, lakes, blue, the normal album, guilt, derealization, 4b*se references, guilt again, the name lily/lilith, happy crying in relation to a child, hard to be the bard from something rotten (a musical), 2econd 2ight 2eer by will wood, manic energy, a WHOLE bunch of other shit-

ft: dissociation, cold, fog, my mom being a bitch, dissociative memory loss, mitski music, self-isolation (not Distance, thats the vast), antisocial tendencies

Shift Triggers:
- being outside in fog
- the taste of blood
- forest exploration
- books about the paranormal
- thick plaid shirts
- euphoric adrenaline
- fully white suits
- my brother
- wet grass
- hiking boots
- road trips / long car rides
- classic rock
- hunting knives
- studies of the occult

Name: Sam Winchester
Pronouns: he/him

ft: ghosts, spooky, apparently me being manic????- urbex aesthetics, being vaguely inhuman but in a grunge kind of way

ft: vague gamer energy, just being a lil guy, ultimate showdown by lemon demon, my black poofy hoodieft: source, identity issues, general softness, severe blurryness/derealizationft: the cold, winter, spring and a storm by tally hall, frozen lakes, pink flowers

ft: mania, fireworks, flirty/suave energy, squaring up by sir chloe, parents arguing or being loud/general domestic hostilityft: mania and science, PORTALS, also its like if you take a breakdown but then overlay misery/cpr/recees puffs (how the hell do you spell that-)ft: the cold, bipolar moment/neg, fallen down underbass remix

ft: dnd, goofy shit, podcast makingft: coffee, cigarettes, anger issues, annoyance due to sleep deprivation, police work, legal paperwork, annoyance with technology